We are particularly proud of this because SCIP Sales, the lightweight e-commerce solution from sum.cumo Sapiens, is in use for online sales. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts recently put the online presence of Swiss insurers under the microscope, and our customer Dextra was named the test winner in the „Online Sales“ category.
SCIP Sales has now been in productive use for Dextra Rechtsschutz since the beginning of 2021 and enables the respective products to be adapted quickly, without development effort and flexibly to the needs of the market, customers and partners.
The Institute for Financial Services Zug IFZ of the Lucerne School of Business conducted this study for the first time to provide an overview of the online presences of Swiss insurers.
The guiding question here was: Which Swiss insurer currently offers the best „Digital Insurance Experience“?
The evaluation showed that the transparency of the insurance terms and conditions and the premium are the most important. Dextra was able to shine in these three points and thus take the test victory in the „Online Sales“ category:
With its online sales, Dextra achieved the highest score of ten points in seven of the nine criteria analyzed. These include the clear presentation of the premium and color-coded call-to-actions. This enables the user to quickly grasp the essential information.
Another advantage over the competition is the product wizard that is unintegrated into the online presence. A simple entry, e.g. of the user’s personal living situation, triggers an uncomplicated determination of requirements before appropriate product suggestions are made.
The complete article on the evaluation of the study can be found here.
SCIP Sales enables Dextra to independently configure its products and their components to be even closer to customer needs. In July, Dextra has further enhanced its digital offer, this takes advantage of new features provided by sum.cumo Sapiens in a major product release such as the Journey Creator, contract mutations and module dependencies.
We offer SCIP as a modern software solution in two variants: SCIP Sales as a lightweight e-commerce solution or SCIP Suite as a complete system: SCIP Sales including fully integrated policy management.